SEO Best practices for eCommerce sites


Performing SEO for an eCommerce platform is a process of making an online store popular on search engines such as Google or Yahoo.

When a user types a product related to yours, your website link should be at the top of the search results. Website traffic can be generated from paid sources such as Google AdWords, but SEO is much less expensive and requires more time. 

SEO for Ecommerce websites involves improving the content, product details, metadata, interlinking, and making a user-friendly interface.

All the products listed on the Magento development services eCommerce website should have a dedicated page created to attract traffic from different search engines.

Also, SEO involves fixing and changing internal pages such as Homepage, About us page, and F.A.Q. by adding keywords.

Keywords are one of the primary elements of SEO. Certain keywords are added to the website that gets triggered when a user types it on the search engine.

SEO Best practices for Ecommerce sites

Add the Best Keywords: Keywords are necessary, but it is also important to know that keywords should never be stuffed into the website.

Primary keywords should be in the product headlines or descriptions, and secondary keywords can be image descriptions or subheadlines.

But which keyword to add? First, it is vital to know which keywords are popularly related to the products on your page within a set region.

It is necessary to know the CPC, search volume, and related keywords to it. The search volume can help detect the best keyword for adding to the website, and cheap SEO services India determine the level of competition for that keyword. 

Conduct Competitor Research

Sometimes, eCommerce websites can get stuck with no clue on how to generate more traffic. In such times, analysing the top competitors in your field can help determine how to boost visibility on search engines.

Moreover, it is important to know top competitors will have spent time and money to get their platform on the top of a search engine.

But, you can get an idea of which features you should add as well as which keywords to use. 

Magento development services

The homepage is where most eCommerce platforms focus the most to boost their visibility on search engines.

The homepage should have an SEO-friendly title tag as well as Meta Description. The title tag needs to be within 70 characters and should have provided a brief of the product.

Moreover, the Meta Description can be up to 160-character and needs to have a CTA in it. 

Furthermore, the content on the homepage should also be optimised so that the users can learn about the business and products offered.

It is advised to feature the top-selling products on the homepage as well as products with discounts or offers.

Also, it is important to know that apart from the homepage, other website pages need to be optimised as well.

Keep the Interface Simple 

It is vital to know that the design and structure of the website are also important for successful eCommerce SEO.

After adding the products and descriptions, the page should not look overwhelming for the users.

The navigation should be straightforward, products should be in categories, and the items should be interlinked with their specific product page.

E-commerce platforms apply the three-click method in which they allow the customer to reach the product page from homage in just three clicks.

On the other hand, internal linking will also help boost SEO and customer retention. 

Make a good product page!

Making an attractive and easy-to-use product page is paramount for sales as well as SEO.

Many eCommerce platforms simply type lengthy or small descriptions that the users will not read. It is important to write relevant product names and descriptions and upload correct images or videos for making a good interface.

It is also advised to incorporate the best keywords in all the product pages for enhanced search engine visibility. 

Contact cheap SEO services India today if you want to know more about the best practices for eCommerce SEO. 

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